League Schedule and Times
All of our morning games start at 9:30 am and our evening games at 6:30 pm. Please arrive 15 minutes before start time. This allows time for the convenor to organize the teams and for the players to get the equipment set up on the rink.
Wednesday Morning Triples Jitney
Jitney is a lawn bowling term for a pick-up game or tag play. In jitney-style play you don't belong to a team and you will be playing with different people every time.
Rules of Play: Triples Jitney
Convenor: Ron Kinsey
Wednesday Evening Novice League
(< 3 yrs experience)
Convenor: Dave Levecque
Thursday Evening Junior League
(12 - 18 yrs)
Convenor: Dave Levecque
Friday Morning Mixed Triples Jitney
Jitney is a lawn bowling term for a pick-up game or tag play. In jitney-style play you don't belong to a team and you will be playing with different people every time.
Rules of Play: Triples Jitney
Convenor: Perry Fisher

Leagues 2024
Our leagues will begin the week of May 19th and run until the end of September. The lawn bowling season is split into schedules with approximately 9 games in each schedule. All of our leagues are included with your membership.