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Membership Information

​​We welcome all new and experienced members.


By becoming a member:


  • can compete in any of our club tournaments, and

  • other tournaments at any club in Ontario

Membership Fees



Full Members: $250.00 **


Juniors (12 to18 years):  $100.00 **


Students (19 to 23 years): $150.00 **

(Must be attending school full time)


Social: $30.00


** Includes OLBA fees of $40.00



Family Membership:


We offer a 10% family discount. Minimum two adults, two children. The discount will be applied after the OLBA Fees.



No half year Memberships.

Exception:  A new member joining the club for the second half of the season.


Bowl Rental Fees:  $25.00 (free for new members).  


Interested in becoming a member? Register below using our online form or if you prefer complete the 





Pay-as-you-Play Option

We also offer a Pay-as-you-Play option for those who want to try out our sport. The cost is $15.00 per game. 

All fees will be applied against full membership fees.





Contact Perry Fischer at 705 or 705 749-9933

Member Registration



Leagues begin the the week of May 19th. Please indicate below which ones you will be participating in. Please complete both the first and second half. It is your responsibility to contact the league convenor for any changes. 

Monday Evening League- Mixed Pairs

Please Choose:

Tuesday Evening League 4-3-2-1

Please Choose:

Wednesday Morning - Jitney Triples

Please Choose:

Wednesday Evening - Novice League (< 3 yrs experience)

Please Choose:

Thursday Morning League 4-3-2-1

Please Choose:

Thursday Evening - Junior League (age 12-18)

Please Choose:

Friday Morning Jitney Triples

Please Choose:

Volunteer Preferences: It is expected that all members contribute to the club by volunteering in some capacity. Please indicate your preference(s) below.  

Please Choose:

Member WaiverI understand that I am lawn bowling at my own risk. The Peterborough Lawn Bowling Club is not responsible for any injury incurred on the greens, the grounds and parking lot, or in the clubhouse. By signing your name on the registration form you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Payment of Fees

Please submit your payment via e-transfer to by the first Saturday of May.  Alternatively, you can pay by cash (in person) or submit a cheque payable to the Peterborough Lawn Bowling Club., 577 McDonnel St, Peterborough, ON K9H 2Y1. 

Select payment option

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Us

Call or Message Us for More Information
For Hall Rental Inquiries contact or 705 742-0050 ext 2577


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577 McDonnel St, Peterborough, ON K9H 2Y1

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